July 9, 2008

A Request From : Marsha Wight Wise

Marsha Wight Wise published the most recent book about the History of Catonsville. It is a very good book. Craig

Hi, Craig! I read your Catonsville blog often. Keep up the good work.

As you may be aware there are a group of people trying to save the old Bloede property, Arden, from the wrecking ball. We are in no way opposed to the PUD but would like to see the developer incorporate Arden in his plans. We have been successful in getting the preliminary Historic Landmark status in January by the Baltimore County Landmarks Preservation Commission.

The Baltimore County Council held a public hearing on July 7th. The Council will vote on Arden’s final Landmark status on July 29th. We need Catonsville to write Councilman Sam Moxley, and the rest of the Council members, to voice their opinion on the necessity of preserving Arden. We need to urge Councilman Moxley to draft a bill placing Arden into permanent History Landmark status.

To read all about Arden and to see the photos go to our blog at:


Marsha Wight Wise


blogging at: http://marshawightwise.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

Marsha said...


Glad you enjoyed the book! Thanks for passing the info on Arden along.

On the Lighter Side!

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