July 31, 2008

Please Help Us Continue Our Efforts to Improve The Community

As you may be aware, I am the managing member of A & A Enterprises, III. And I have raised 2008 CZMP Issue # 01-001 9 and 11 Newburg Ave.

During the time of my service as a member of the Baltimore County board myself, I spent much time studying the 2010 Baltimore County Master Plan and The Catonsville Plan. I learned the importance of implementing these plans and how they enhance the quality of life for the entire county. It was during my tenure as a planning board member that I cultivated my desire to strengthen the existing character of our community by, contributing to the vitality of the area. I want to invest my money and time into bringing these great elements of good planning to downtown Catonsville. I want to make a difference, that the next generation of my family will be proud of and, to demonstrate good stewardship and personal responsibility.

I have assured the neighbors that I would agree to restrictions against future uses as a gas station, Tavern or Fast Food restaurant.

Our project, here in Catonsville, is located in one of the County’s 12 revitalization areas. 11 Newburg Ave. is within that area.

There are a variety of reasons that the private sector has been unable to carry out revitalization in these areas. A major one is that it is necessary to amend zoning to encouragement Renaissance in these areas. Economic Development and community conservation go hand in hand.

My Family and I live Catonsville and are not, absentee landlords. Our project supports the Master Plan and the Catonsville Plans by:

· Preserving and Enhancing the quality of life in the SW part of the County
· Sustaining Prosperity -making a significant private investment in a Baltimore County Urban Area
· Being located entirely within the URDL
· Contributing to Economic Development, by helping generate family supporting jobs
· Revitalizing an aging commercial area, contributing to a healthy, strong tax base
· Not contributing to rural sprawl
· Attracting Retail Shops
· Bolstering confidence in the Vitality of the community
· Maintaining high quality and it is compatible with surroundings
· Promoting the restoration of Historic Resources
· Using Private Funds to meet the County’s goals
· Meeting the needs of higher income earners, making it more likely that they will continue to live in their neighborhood
· Successfully redeveloping well situated vacant and underutilized properties to more productive uses
· Strengthening this older commercial area to support new business
· Working Cooperatively with the Chamber of Commerce
· Nurturing small and star-up business
· Creating a Bicycle and Pedestrian friendly area
· Increasing safety by providing better lighting and new sidewalks
· Establishing private sector open space
· Creating privately owned / shared parking
· Consolidating smaller parcels of land to attract more desirable businesses

As the 2010 Master Plan states, “Commercial corridors are the faces of the adjacent communities, the commercial corridors appearance and liveliness influences perceptions about the adjoining neighborhoods”. Shopping habits are changing to internet and mail order, making it even more difficult to successfully revitalize older properties that are constrained by size, shape and parking.

The Catonsville Plan, specifically addresses the subjects of- reusing existing buildings, adding parking behind the 800 Block of Frederick Rd., attracting a Fresh Seafood & Meat Market and relocating loading zones and parking to the rear of the properties on Frederick Rd. We have achieved these goals; with your help we will be able to continue our efforts.

By supporting our zoning request change to BL-CCC, you are helping encourage people to walk and spend more time in their neighborhood, getting to know their neighbors. And you are assisting the future needs of one of Baltimore County’s premier revitalization districts!

Please Let Councilman Moxley Know that you support this change:


Anonymous said...

Mr. Witzke -

We love what you have done for our community and will be glad to help in any way that we can.

The Reed Family

Anonymous said...


You have done great things on Frederick road but you are WAY off base with the change in zoning you want for Newburg Ave.

Stay focused on Frederick road.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry for the x I was trying to figure this out. I would like to see you continue what you are doing and I would be very glad if you were on my street. I know that you have the community's best interest at heart. Thanks

Anonymous said...

One big question that keeps being raised by the Newberg group -- we believe that YOU will not put something undesireable on Newberg, and do have the Catonsville community's best interest at heart. What will happen if and when the zoning is amended and someone else without your vision buys the property? Are there any legal assurances then?

Anonymous said...

With the agreement in place, that we were working on, the assurances would be much better than if the zoning is left as it is.
Every czmp someone can try to increase the zoning of this property. I wanted to do it now and was willing to implement the restrictions to insure proper uses in the future. Craig

On the Lighter Side!

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